Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beach Bums!!

Our family beach trip was the first week in October and we had a blast!! It was Addie's second time to the beach, but the first was when she was 6 weeks old so she was too little to do anything!! This time she was all over the place!! She loved the sand and the ocean. I think she might just be a surfer when she gets older!! These are just a few pictures, but I will post more later.

Addie's first trip to the ER....and hopefully the LAST!!

3:00 pm on a Monday and Addie and I are taking a shower and she flips her bath seat and hits her head on a tile ledge in the shower. My initial reaction is she will be ok. When I flip her over and see all the blood, I go into panic Mom mode. I won't go into further details other than Huntersville Presbyterian was wonderful!! She had a fantastic doctor and nurse that took great care of her and Mom and Dad too!! It was as I am sure most people with kids would agree....more traumatic for the parents than for her!! The cut was to the bone so she ended up with six stitches. She was such a trooper, as you can see from the pic just after getting home. We are now working on the scar treatment, but I must say it looks fantastic compared to what I feared!! (I am only posting the PG pic)

Look how she's grown!!

Just doing a little reminiscing!! 1 day old versus 1 year old!! Look how much our little Addie has grown and changed in just one year!! You never know how fast time flies by until you have a child!! I guess time flies when you're having fun....and she is that!!

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!!!

I know it's been a while, but hopefully I can catch up on some of the Flora happenings recently!!

Addie turned 1, and that same weekend she started walking!! She had a great birthday party with her friends at school and then another one on the River with family and friends. She loved her healthy fruit cake, and all the balloons!! It has been an amazing year watching her grow into her personality and watch her learn new things every day!! As parents, Daniel and I feel so blessed to have such a little angel in our sweet Addie!!

Mommy's Angel!!

Addie was just so adorable so we had to capture her sweetness with our roses. Not to mention I had to try out my new skills from photography class....blurring the background!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mommy Time!!

So just like everyone I'm sure I am horrible at finding hobbies and then not sticking with them....well guess what...I have a new one!! Photography!! Daniel and Addie gave me a Nikon D90 for Mother's Day, which was AWESOME, however I didn't know how to use it!! Daniel signed me up for a Photography class, and a Photographer in me was born!! I have since been taking more classes and just recently went on a Photography Expedition with some of my classmates. For any of you that know me, you know how much out of my element I truly was....because this was a hiking trip to some of the NC waterfalls!! It was tough but amazing...and totally worth some of the pictures I got!! I am having a blast learning all I can about Photography and how to make precious moments art. I think this hobby is going to stick!! These are some pictures that I snapped at Roaring Forks Falls and Crabtree Falls.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow....it has been a long time!!

I know it has been a long time since my last post....with Addie growing and becoming mobile....ALL of our free time is spent chasing her or spending the summer weekends doing family things!!

Addie just turned 11 months old (seems like just yesterday she was born...where does the time go??)!! She is crawling like a pro, pulling up on everything, and just this week she realized she can stand up all by herself...look mom no hands!! She has the best little personality and is quite the comedian!! She brings more and more joy everyday to almost everyone she comes in contact with!!

These are just some pictures that are fairly recent to show how she has changed!! I will get better at posting on a more frequent basis...I promise (fingers crossed)!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thanks Nana and Papaw!!

Nana and Papaw got Addie this truck which is filled with wooden blocks for Easter, and I am pretty sure it is now her new favorite toy....plus did I mention she can ride it too!!

Easter Bunny

Shopping for Addie's Food!!

Am I big enough for a bike Daddy?

We were trying out the pull behind for Daddy's bike, so naturally we had to let her try the trike and bicycle, and of course the helmet!!

Go Tarheels!!

Makes My Day

After a long day at work, seeing this smiling angel every afternoon just makes my day!! She is such a joy!!

River Rocks!!

We visited my parents new house (River Rocks) that is being built on the New River a couple weekends ago....and it is getting closer to being done!! We can't wait to spend weekends at the river with my parents and grandparents!! Addie is going to grow up a River Rat!!

Mommy's Highchair!!

We went to Wilkes for the weekend and Addie used my highchair that I had when I was a baby. You can't find highchairs like this anymore!!

In Memory of Granny!!

Every year my Dad and Mom along with his two sisters go eat at my Granny's favorite restaurant, the Little Dipper on the anniversary of her passing. This year we got to take Addie for the 3 year anniversary!! She loved my Aunt Betty and was everybody's entertainment in the Little Dipper!! I really wish my Granny would have gotten to meet Addie, she would have been so proud!!

Jumpy Jumpy!!

Where Addie spends a lot of time while at school.....JUMPING!!

Addie loves to go to school....

but she also loves to leave!! This is how she reacts almost everyday when I get to the door to pick her up.

Daddy's Little Cheerleader!!

Daniel ran a 5K at the Whitewater Center several weeks ago, and of course his two favorite girls went to cheer him on!! It was so muddy because it came a down pour the night before, but rain or shine, we wouldn't miss it!! Daniel did very well, I might add!! Go Daddy Go!!!